Chapter 12


The night with Estelle, who turned out to be much softer and more pleasant than I expected despite her overly honest nature, passed by quickly. And at last, the time came for me to meet the protagonist of this empire. Crown Princess Iris.

She arrived much earlier than I had expected, at the crack of dawn, just as the farmers were waking up to start their work in the fields.

“We greet the Moon of the Empire, Her Highness the Crown Princess.”

Our family wasn’t noble or anything, so we didn’t exactly follow strict etiquette, but at the very least, we all knew how to properly greet someone of her position.

After the greeting, the proper custom was to wait with our heads lowered until the person of higher rank permitted us to lift them. It was such a strange rule.

Watching my parents, who were much older than her, bow their heads like that to someone so much younger than them felt odd.

Oh, of course, it’s not like this didn’t happen to me in my past life either.

It was the same back then.

The only difference was whether one’s status was visible or invisible.

“Ah, that’s fine. Everyone, please feel free to raise your heads.”

The first sound of the Crown Princess’s voice was softer and more gentle than I had expected.

Of course, the Crown Princess was always that kind of character.

She was someone who could hide her emotions well. Even in conflict, she gave me the impression of a refined emotional monster.

In the game, the only person who could draw out those well-hidden emotions was the Saint or the Saintess.

That was why the game’s story revolved around the two of them constantly bickering, yet gradually growing closer and nurturing love between them.

“On my way here, I noticed the crops were growing well. They looked truly remarkable. You must be excellent farmers.”

“Oh, not at all. We’ve just worked hard, that’s all.”

The Crown Princess, who always hid her emotions and spoke in the polished language of nobility, never started a conversation with the main point.

Watching her maintain such etiquette, even when speaking to mere commoners like us, with small talk and polite questions, gave off a sense of restrained elegance that was oddly fascinating to see.

“We’ve also prepared a meal for you. You must be hungry, so how about eating first?”

“Ah, thank you for the invitation. I’ll gladly stay for the meal. But before that, I’d like to know where the Saintess is.”

She accepted the invitation to eat without hesitation and with a smile on her face, but it wasn’t until more than thirty minutes had passed since she began the conversation that she finally broached the main topic.

“Ah, Estelle… No, the Saintess seems to still be asleep. Theo, go and check on her, would you?”

“Huh? Oh, yes. Understood!”

Just as I, who had been standing idly behind my mother, was given the task and started heading toward Estelle’s room, she spoke again.

“No need. If she is still asleep, there’s no reason to wake her unnecessarily. Let’s simply wait and have a meal in the meantime.”

“Oh, shall we? In that case, I’ll prepare the food right away. Our living room is terribly cluttered, and I’m not sure the food will suit your taste.”

“Don’t worry about such things. I’m already touched by the warm hospitality despite the sudden visit.”

Though the conversation could easily have come across as insincere, the tone of the Crown Princess—no, Iris—was so refined and elegant that it felt anything but that.

It didn’t seem fake at all.

In fact, it felt so genuine that she almost seemed apologetic.

“Well then, Theo, you keep Her Highness company for a while. I’ll go set the table.”

“Huh? Me? Wouldn’t it make more sense if Mother stayed and I prepared the table?”

Suddenly being told to keep the Crown Princess company? I couldn’t help but think it would be better for Mom who was doing just fine to handle it. But all I got in response was a smack on the back.



“You’re the same age, you brat! Wouldn’t Her Highness enjoy talking to someone her own age?”

“Geez, her hand is seriously spicy .…”

I grumbled to myself as I reluctantly approached the Crown Princess.

“Pfft… Oh, I’m sorry for laughing. It’s just… your family seems quite fun.”

She glanced back and forth between Mom and me with a smile before smoothing out her expression again.

The look she had just given wasn’t her usual composed smile; it seemed like a genuinely heartfelt one.

“We’re just an ordinary farmer’s family.”

“Even so, it’s fun. Warm, too. I like it.”

First Estelle, now the Crown Princess. They both seemed to like this place, which left me feeling a bit strange.

Of course, I knew our home was warm and ordinary in the best way.

It was the ideal family environment I had always dreamed of and wanted more than anything.

Still, I couldn’t quite understand why two people of such high status, who could eat whatever they wanted and do anything they pleased, would look at our home with expressions of envy.

“I lost my mother when I was young, so whenever I see people my age spending time with their mothers, I can’t help but feel a bit envious.”

The Empress who gave birth to Iris died when she was young?

This wasn’t mentioned in the game either.

No, actually, now that I think about it…

The game itself is set after the two protagonists meet, so it doesn’t really shed much light on the backstory or past events leading up to that point.

There were occasional snippets of past events, but even those didn’t delve as deeply as you’d expect for a game with such a dark background.

“Of course, the current Empress treats me well, but it’s just not the same as having one’s own mother.”

Hearing this kind of story in person before the academy even began was making me increasingly confused. It’s starting to feel less like a game and more like reality.

“I’ve ended up telling all sorts of things to someone I’ve just met. So, are you the student being taught by the Saintess?”

“Ah, yes. That’s right. I’m learning magic.”

I suppressed my swirling emotions as much as possible and nodded my head in response to her words.

“The Saintess must be quite skilled with magic as well.”

There was something vaguely familiar about her slightly sarcastic tone?

It didn’t quite seem fitting for her usual way of speaking. It actually felt like a tone Estelle might use.

“Uh, yes… well, I think so.”

“What are you aiming to achieve by learning it?”

“I’m aiming for the commoner admission exam at the academy next year.”

After all, I needed to stop her and Estelle from fighting and bringing about the end of the world.

“Oh? Then we’ll be academy classmates. The Saintess and I are also set to enroll next year.”

I almost mentioned how there wasn’t a single person in the world who didn’t already know that but decided against it.

Well, regardless of being classmates, they would still live in their own separate world, and I would end up spending my time among the commoners anyway.

“That’s true. I still have a lot to learn, but I look forward to your guidance, Your Highness.”

“Haha, what guidance could you possibly need from me? I’ll be just another student like you. By the way, since we’re going to be academy classmates, why don’t we speak more casually with each other?”

Just moments ago, her tone had been incredibly elegant, the kind anyone would associate with royalty.

“What? But I haven’t even been officially admitted to the academy yet.”

“So what? Meeting like this is still a kind of fate, isn’t it? I’d like for us to get along.”

Her tone suddenly became much more relaxed.

This… could it be? Was there some kind of transmigrator buff working in my favor here?

Both the Saintess and the Crown Princess… why did the protagonists keep insisting on being casual with me?

“In that sense, when it’s just the two of us, feel free to call me Iris. Later, at the academy too.”

It seemed she thought it might be a bit much to openly call her Iris in front of others before officially entering the academy, so she appeared to have allowed a temporary grace period for now.

But then again, since we needed to get along anyway, was there really a need to make such a fuss about this so-called grace period?

“All right. Call me Theo then, Iris. Let’s get along well.”

Without hesitation, I dropped the formalities and extended my hand.

“Yeah, Theo. It feels nice, like I’ve made a friend my own age.”

Iris grabbed my hand and shook it warmly; she looked genuinely pleased.


While I was in the middle of carrying out this “get closer to Iris” project and chatting with her, I suddenly heard something fall from the direction of the room where Estelle was sleeping. Startled, I quickly turned my head.

“Ah, Estelle. Are you awake?”

At the doorway stood Estelle. She stepped out in freshly cleaned and neatly arranged clothes thanks to her magic.

But while her overall appearance was tidy, her expression… Why did she look like she’d just seen something she shouldn’t have?

“Estelle? Are you all right?”

When I started to approach her, Iris suddenly grabbed my arm firmly.

“She must be startled by seeing me. It’s fine, Theo. I’ll handle this.”

“Wait, isn’t it a bit too casual to speak like that in front of Est… of the saintess?”

“Why not? The three of us are all going to be academy classmates next year, aren’t we?”

Well, technically, I hadn’t even been admitted to the academy yet. Of course, I was certain I’d get in, but still.

And besides, I hadn’t even started speaking casually with Estelle, so this felt a little awkward.

“Saintess, it’s been a while. How have you been?”

“…Ah, the Moon of the Empire… Greetings. Yes, I’ve been doing really well, though that seems to have just changed moments ago.”

“Is something the matter?”

“What exactly is your relationship with Mr. Theo, Your Highness?”

Huh? What was she talking about…?

Did she just wake up and lose her mind or something…?

6 responses to “Chapter 12”

  1. RiamuP Avatar

    The shuraba is coming! brace yourselves, it seems Iris and Estelle will constantly fight over Theo

    1. JimmyJohns05 Avatar

      the manipulation the princess is about to try (until she also falls and it becomes real) is gonna be wild

      1. RiamuP Avatar

        Yeaah, i really look forward that

  2. JimmyJohns05 Avatar

    bro you can’t leave it there that’s painful…

  3. Yu Mi Everybody Avatar
    Yu Mi Everybody

    Is it just me being fussy or are these high ranking people too…easygoing? Estelle (saintess) I can understand cause she’s always wanted freedom from stuffy politicking but Iris (Princess) as well? Hm…

    1. ChippyLikesBooks Avatar

      Well I mean you also got to remember that irl kings, queens, politicians might’ve been well-spoken and stuff but were also goofy as hell in their private lives and even outside of it a lot of the times.

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