The cherry blossoms had fallen, and on this beautiful spring day, lush green leaves had begun to grow. It was the break time between the first and second periods at a certain high school. In the noisy classroom where everyone was spending their time as they pleased, two high school girls sat in front of and behind each other, chatting while looking at their smartphones.
“Hey, have you heard of the Patrolman?”
“What’s that? A comedian?”
“No, it’s an urban legend. My senior coworker told me about it yesterday.”
“Urban legend? Hmm, it might be the first time I’ve heard of it. And, isn’t the name kind of lame?”
“Yeah, I know. But apparently, if you’re walking outside looking at your phone after 8 p.m., someone suddenly comes up behind you and says, ‘Walking and looking at your phone is dangerous.’”
“What is that? It’s kind of creepy, even though they have kind intention.”
“It is creepy. But the strange thing is that when you turn around, there’s no one there.”
“What? That’s scary.”
“I know, right? And if you ignore them and keep looking at your phone, they push you from behind at the crosswalk when the traffic signal is red. A lot of people have fallen or been hit by cars because of this.”
“What? That’s like a crime.”
“Exactly! But the perpetrator hasn’t been caught yet. I heard from a classmate at the same cram school that there have been about five similar incidents at their high school. But they still don’t know who the culprit is.”
“If that’s true, it’s pretty scary.”
“Hey, that’s really scary.”
“Oh, we have to go to the next classroom now.”
“Right, let’s go.”
The students started to leave the classroom one by one. The two girls who were just talking also left, as if following the others. They were the last students to leave the classroom. It was the responsibility of the last student to turn off the lights when leaving the classroom, but the two girls seemed to have forgotten and left without turning them off.
The classroom was now empty. The fluorescent light illuminated the air, where tiny specks of dust danced around.
“As expected, it’s fun to see the way it spreads directly.”
Suddenly, a man’s cheerful voice echoed in the classroom, where there shouldn’t have been anyone. Although his figure wasn’t visible, a few clicks of mechanical footsteps were heard before the lights in the classroom clicked off.
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