Chapter 124: Embrace Your Karma Part 1


Had the time come when the era of Cheongdo would no longer expand like a sail filled by a favorable wind? Recently, the officials at the central palace had been plagued by headaches over the turmoil that was sweeping the imperial capital.

With the power of Cheongdo now towering over the entire continent, the smaller border countries could not even imagine rebellion. And yet, the true enemy that threatened Cheongdo, which seemed to have no human rival under the heavens, was not a man but a demonic spirit.

Already, there had been three outbreaks of rampaging demonic spirits in the heart of the imperial capital.

The significance of these incidents differed fundamentally from disturbances caused by demonic spirits at the borders. And it was the capital of all places.

This rampant emergence of demonic spirits, which were once considered a natural disaster, now seemed to carry a darker meaning.

Never before, in any era, had demonic spirits erupted at the very heart of the imperial capital like this.

After facing not one or two, but a third outbreak of rampaging demonic spirits, Cheongdo Palace inevitably plunged into deeper turmoil.

In the end, all attention turned to the one at the peak of the nation’s hierarchy. It was Emperor Woon Sung.

With the demonic spirits’ repeated rampages, it almost seemed as if the heavens themselves were determined to destroy the ruler of Cheongdo.

Not to mention the imperial capital, even Cheongdo Palace where the emperor resided had seen these demonic spirits rise several times.

If such incidents continued, the eyes of doubt among the people of the empire would soon shift from the Heavenly Maiden to Emperor Woon Sung himself.


In the office of Emperor Woon Sung that was decorated with magnificent imperial splendor.

The Emperor bowed his head in deep contemplation as he sat in front of the three highest-ranking officials.

Even after replacing the Heavenly Maiden, nothing changed. He could no longer stand by and watch the ongoing rampage of demonic spirits.

If his authority began to falter, it would become irreparable.

It was time for decisive measures.


“A new unit, you say?”

“Yes. It seems His Majesty intends to form a special military unit focused on hunting down demonic spirits. It would be different from the standing forces centered around the Truth Insight Terrace.”

It had been barely three days since the chaos in the inner palace had been quelled.

The chaos had only just been managed, and there was still an overwhelming amount of unresolved aftermath to address.

I too had no time to attend to the affairs of the Hwalseong District and had come out to lead the soldiers of the main palace. That’s when my adjutant Bi Cheon approached me to inform me of the results of the council meeting.

Bi Cheon spoke politely with his head lowered.

“It seems the Palace plans to directly recruit demonic spirit hunters, provide them with salaries, train them in military protocols, and secure for them ranks equivalent to commissioned officers.”

“…There will be a lot of resistance.”

As I checked the bandages wrapped around various parts of my body, I sat on a mattress set up in the temporary garrison and replied.

Demonic spirit hunting was a despised profession. People viewed demonic spirit hunters as little more than cursed beings who spread misfortune wherever they went.

One might think that in a time when demonic spirits ran rampant, the treatment of such hunters would improve, yet oddly enough, people often looked down on others despite their necessity.

Just as the butcher who slaughters cattle and pigs, or the trader who handles dogs, are essential but naturally despised, so too were the demonic spirit hunters despised.

Even though they roamed the land and took money to kill demonic spirits, they were beings to be feared and loathed.

Even the Black Moon Unit currently working in Hwalseong District had once been wanderers until they found a place here. The fact that no one wanted to take them in despite their elite skills showed how much prejudice there was against them. It was as clear as day.

But in the most sacred and revered palace of all, the Emperor wanted to bring in demonic spirit hunters, feed them the country’s salaries, and give them official posts to make them military officers.

It was a very radical policy, and the other officials who held the title of “officer” with great honor were bound to push back fiercely.

Nevertheless, Emperor Woon Sung seemed determined to carry it out.

“Given that demonic spirits invaded Cheongdo Palace not once or twice but three times, they would consider the situation serious enough.”

“Yes. Therefore… you too may be asked to take a position in this new unit, Vice General.”



Now that he mentioned it, it was true.

Since my days as an apprentice warrior, I had hunted and killed demonic spirits. During my time at the Inner Sword Command, I had followed General Jeong Seo Tae on expeditions to slay these demonic spirits. I was the prized disciple of Lee Cheol Won, a master at saying demonic spirits. And I was also the one who had struck down the Moon Demonic Spirit, the Sun Demonic Spirit, and the White Demonic Spirit.

On top of that, I was the third-highest ranked officer in Cheongdo, beneath only Grand General Seong Sa Wook in first rank and Blue Pillar General Hwang Soo in second rank. But neither of them had killed as many demonic spirits as I had.

In short, if a new unit were to be established, I was the only one suitable to command it.

“…Among the high officials of the palace, it’s already considered a settled matter with no room for dispute.”

“Hold on a second, Bi Cheon-ah. I’m already the lord of the Hwalseong District, the internal inspector of the harem, the aide to the Heavenly Maiden, and a general-level official of the Red Palace… and now they want me to take responsibility for an entire military unit too?”

“It appears that the high officials of the main palace are unaware that death from overwork is a real phenomenon. As a mere low-ranking warrior… it’s not something I can comment on….”

“Those old fools… are they planning to work me to death?”

I couldn’t believe my ears.

With the mountain of duties already piled on my desk, were they really planning to add even more?

The problem was that the one pushing for this was none other than Emperor Woon Sung, who sat at the very top of this nation.

Really, he needed to look at the workload before assigning tasks. At this rate, people would die from exhaustion.

Even if I wanted to say that, it wasn’t easy to raise my voice to the emperor.

“Still, no matter how I look at it, it’s hard to deny that General Seol is the most suitable candidate. If you wish to avoid this task… you’d need to prove your own incompetence….”


If it were a matter initiated by the three great officials, I might have been able to negotiate my way out of it. But this was an imperial decree.

No matter what, there was a limit to what a person could reasonably accomplish.

It was a given in bureaucratic society that when orders came, you followed them. But if I didn’t put up even the slightest resistance, I really might end up dying from overwork.

“I-I mean… while my personal career advancement is important, I’d also like to consider the contributions of my successor. You know… what’s his name, that Bright Moon General who came after me? Wasn’t his name Hwa Il Yong? The one who followed General Jeong Se Tae around hunting demonic spirits. He has a great vision and outstanding skills, so shouldn’t he be given a chance? With someone like him available, why should I be the one to step up?”

“Isn’t this position too heavy a responsibility for someone at the Bright Moon General’s level…?”

“It’s precisely by taking on heavy responsibilities that one’s skills improve. Can’t we find a way to use that as an excuse?”

With a deeply apologetic expression, Bi Cheon lowered his head and responded with difficulty.

“As I mentioned, it’s a matter connected to His Majesty’s authority, so… I’m not sure if it will be resolved so easily….”

“For now, I’ll focus on the mess in the inner palace that needs cleaning up. In fact, I’m supposed to meet with the Minister of Personnel right after lunch today.”

“Then I’ll inform the Central Councilor of your current stance.”

“The Central Councilor? That man came in person? Is he the one in charge of this matter?”

“He contacted us when he visited to check on the inner palace situation.”

Central Councilor Chu Beom Seok

Among the three great officials, he was considered the most mild-mannered. Though, considering he was a politician, he was probably filled with cunning beneath that exterior.

“But if you don’t take any action… you will be appointed as the head of the new military unit.”

“No… anything but that….”

I took a deep breath and swept a hand over my face.

If I took on any more work, I would really die of overwork. Even if it was an order from His Majesty, there were some things that couldn’t be done.

However, as Bi Cheon had pointed out, this was a serious matter directly linked to His Majesty’s authority, and Emperor Woon Sung would hardly concede so easily.

Even as the Vice General ranked third among the military officers, I couldn’t just voice my opinion or shake my head at His Majesty’s orders.

Wasn’t there… wasn’t there some way?

Now was actually a perfect time. My position as the inner palace Inspector was useful for monitoring the situation in the inner palace. I didn’t want to give up the administrative control of the Hwalseong District, and Jin Cheong Lang would never let go of my post as the Heavenly Maiden’s aide.

…Jin Cheong Lang?

…Could it really be…?

I sighed and ran my hand over my face a few more times. Then I braced myself and spoke with determination.

“If this is how the palace intends to proceed… then I have my own way of handling things as well….”

“…Wh-What are you planning, General Seol?”

“When you want to express a point, you have to make it absolutely clear.”

I took another deep breath. I had plenty to rely on.

“I’ll go on strike.”


Bi Cheon blinked in disbelief. As if he hadn’t heard right.

“Ah, no… General Seol, if an official at your rank did that… wouldn’t that be outright treason…?”

“Don’t worry. I have my ways.”

“No… that can’t…”

Bi Cheon’s eyes quivered with unease.

For a general holding military power to outright reject His Majesty’s orders and act independently was a very grave matter.

With great power came great responsibility, and a single reckless misstep or simple misunderstanding could lead straight to the execution grounds.

If one thought that rising authority meant security in the palace, they were sorely mistaken.

Living as a person of influence in Cheongdo was like walking a tightrope over molten lava. The approach may change, but the risk of losing one’s power was always there.

High authority often served as armor to protect your life, yet it could just as easily become the poison that squeezed the life out of your heart.

And so, the higher one’s authority was, the more carefully each and every action must be taken.

That was just common sense.

So, I… needed to find a justification, an excuse.

An excuse for what, you ask?

An excuse, a justification… to avoid working.

Despite strong opposition, Emperor Woon Sung had decided to establish a military force dedicated solely to dealing with the demonic spirits. Supporting this decision would undoubtedly strengthen my authority in the future, but no matter what, I couldn’t be buried in endless work.

I had to make it clear that there were things I simply couldn’t do, and to do that, I needed to find someone and a solid reason to back up my voice.

Fortunately, I had plenty of support behind me…!

Influential figures lined up at my back…!

Even the mighty Emperor Woon Sung would find it difficult to ignore me if the mistresses of the four palaces or the Heavenly Maiden spoke up.

In short, I just had to go to Jin Cheong Lang, who was the current Heavenly Maiden, and appeal to her.

I would tell her that I, the Vice General, was already overwhelmed with tasks and that adding more responsibilities would be too much.

If she could arrange for an environment where I could focus on the affairs of the Heavenly Dragon Hall, it would ultimately help the Heavenly Dragon Hall’s safety and, by extension, contribute to the peace of Cheongdo.

If I made such an appeal, she wouldn’t be one to turn me down.

And with that justification, even Emperor Woon Sung would have to reconsider.

After all, if establishing a new military force to deal with the demonic spirits led to a negative impact on the Heavenly Dragon Hall’s safety, it would defeat the entire purpose.

The justification was flawless.

Though it might be a bit awkward to say so myself, wasn’t Heavenly Maiden Jin Cheong Lang entirely on my side?

If I went to her, expressed how difficult things had been, and lamented my hardships, I was certain she would lend me her strength.

I, Seol Tae Pyeong, am not a petty coward who hides behind powerful people and meekly bows my head in submission!

But still—

A person has to live, right? It’s not like I’m trying to do something wrong. In fact, when you look at it, I’m giving up a good position… so from someone else’s point of view, it might even seem like charity work.

With that self-justification, I showed my Heavenly Dragon Tablet and entered the Heavenly Dragon Hall’s quarters.

Step, step, step.

I walked confidently through the hallway of the Heavenly Dragon Hall, which still showed signs of ongoing repairs, and headed straight for the inner chambers where the Heavenly Maiden would likely be resting.

“I greet the Vice General.”

Since I held the position of aide to the Heavenly Maiden, no one found it strange to see me striding across the wooden floor of the Heavenly Dragon Hall.

The maids simply lowered their heads and greeted me with respectful bows.

I passed through them, made my way past a series of paper doors, and finally arrived at the inner chamber of the Heavenly Maiden.

It was my first time to see her in person since the chaos caused by the White Demonic Spirit, and I felt it necessary to check on her well-being.

Well, in any case… I had known Jin Cheong Lang for more than a few years by now, so formal pleasantries hardly seemed necessary.

I simply treated her with courtesy as the Heavenly Maiden and raised my voice toward the inner chamber beyond the paper door.

“Heavenly Maiden. This is Vice General Seol Tae Pyeong.”


There was a faint gasp from behind the sliding door.

It sounded as if she had flinched, like someone who had ice placed on the back of their neck.

“Are you feeling any better?”

[I-I’m fine! I’d like to be left alone for now!]

“Yes, but… there is something important I need to discuss with you…”

[I said I want to be left alone!]

She shut me down.

Was this really the same Jin Cheong Lang who used to come sprinting out, practically wagging an invisible tail at the mere sound of my footsteps? My heart sank as I felt unexpectedly small and empty.

But… why?

“H-Heavenly Maiden…!”

[I-I already told you to leave! Don’t make me repeat myself, o-ow.]

Her voice faltered as though she had bitten her tongue, and she sounded as if she was in tears.

[I-I don’t want to see your face right now…! Just, please go…! Quickly! I-I’ll call for you next time…! I promise I’ll call for you, so… for now… please, just go…! I… I’m sorry…! Just… give me some time…!]



And that was how I was driven out of the Heavenly Dragon Hall.

“I see…”

I slumped to the ground in despair before the grand middle gate of the Heavenly Dragon Hall.

Yes, I had always thought a day like this would come.

The day Jin Cheong Lang would finally come to her senses, realize the propriety of distance between men and women, recognize her own status, and try to distance herself from me.

I had resolved countless times to brace myself and hold steady, knowing that day would eventually come.

And now that the day had finally arrived, why did I feel nothing but emptiness in my chest?

No, actually, there was some sense of relief. But… why, of all times, did it have to be now, when I most urgently needed the support of someone with power?

Still… it could be worse. Maybe it was actually fortunate that she came to her senses, even if it was now.

“Yes… I still… have many people I know….”

Though it wouldn’t carry quite the same authority as the Heavenly Maiden speaking for me directly, there were still plenty of influential people willing to lend their support to my words.

Vermilion Princess In Ha Yeon, Black Princess Po Hwa Ryeong, White Princess Ha Wol. Weren’t they all on my side?

If I went to the mistresses of each palace and explained the situation… they would help me without calculating the political advantages or making demands! We’ve known each other long enough for that…!

So, first things first, I’ll go to them and explain what’s happening.

I still have many places to turn.

After all… I am Vice General Seo Tae Pyeong….


“Vice General Seo Tae Pyeong has arrived.”

At dusk, in front of the middle gate of the White Tiger Palace.

While White Princess Ha Wol strolled across the courtyard and was lost in thought, Headmaid Ye Rim came to deliver the report.

“The Vice General, again…?”

“Perhaps, he’s come to check on your well-being after what happened.”

“That’s true… now that I think about it, they said he visited both the Black Tortoise Palace and Vermilion Bird Palace earlier this afternoon.”

White Princess Ha Wol who was always well-informed about the affairs of the palace already knew Seo Tae Pyeong had been visiting various places. He was apparently checking on the safety of the crown princess consorts.

It wasn’t strange, considering he was a general-level officer and also an inspector for the inner palace.

Still, the fact that he went to the Azure, Vermilion, and Black princess consorts first, and only came to her last… she couldn’t quite decide if she should be pleased or a little disappointed by this.

If she were to put it plainly, she had expected him to come to her first, so it was a bit disappointing that he hadn’t.


As soon as she realized what she was thinking, she grew embarrassed. It wasn’t as if the order of visits mattered that much, yet she found herself feeling unusually affected.

Still… for some reason, her mood soured, and any inclination to greet him warmly faded away.

If he was going to visit, he could have come sooner.

She had been so preoccupied, wavering between worrying about Seo Tae Pyeong’s safety or dismissing it as nothing, that it had occupied her mind for some time… and yet here he was, arriving just as the sun was setting.

It was around the time she permitted Seo Tae Pyeong to enter the palace that these thoughts crossed her mind.

“Wh-White Princess…”

“…General Seol?”

Seo Tae Pyeong entered White Tiger Palace. His face was brimming with gratitude.

“At least the White Tiger Palace… let me in. Thank you, White Princess…”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well… I went to Azure Dragon Palace, Vermilion Bird Palace, and Black Tortoise Palace… but they all turned me away…”


None of the princess consorts were the sort to turn him away.

Not just one, but all of them; they didn’t even allow Seol Tae-pyeong to enter the palace.

Not someone else, but Vice General Seol Tae Pyeong?

From White Princess’s perspective, it was hard to believe. Each of them had always seemed eager for Seo Tae Pyeong’s presence. They never missed a chance to keep him close.

Watching the dejected look on Seo Tae Pyeong’s face, the White Princess rested her chin on her hand and fell into deep thought.

As she thought, various possibilities started to surface in her mind; after all, she was quick-witted when it came to such matters.

“…Could it be…”

Before long, she arrived at a conclusion.

“…White Princess?”

“Oh… General Seol. I think… perhaps you need to be a bit more sensitive. Or is it… that it’s hard to gauge the situation from your end? Well… I suppose it’s none of my concern.”

“What do you mean?”

“A woman’s heart… it’s like a turbulent sea. It’s impossible to predict.”

“…What on earth is that…”

Even the most cool-headed White Princess had a hard time conveying this situation openly

“It’s just… they likely need some time… that’s all. Just give them a bit of time…”


All Seo Tae Pyeong could do was slump to the floor and feel deeply dejected.

3 responses to “Chapter 124: Embrace Your Karma Part 1”

  1. Anon Avatar

    I trust the white princess the most, despite the story painting her as untrustworthy, she always ends up preserving the MCs best interest.

    1. Bossmann Avatar

      white princess and yeon ri are indeed the best written characters in this novel

  2. Akane Ryuzaki Avatar
    Akane Ryuzaki

    When the literal Inbong Clan’s princess is more helpful than all of the other princess consorts combined, you know that you oughta take her as the second wife.

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