Demonic Spirits were categorized into Lower, Intermediate, and Higher ranks.
It was generally accepted that a warrior was enough to deal with a lower demonic spirit, a well-trained demonic spirit hunting team was needed for an intermediate demonic spirit, and a huge army was required to confront a higher demonic spirit.
However, even this theory wasn’t always applicable.
Since the strength of demonic spirits varied even within the same rank, it wasn’t easy to gauge their power based solely on their classification.
A lower demonic spirit that had accumulated yin energy over a long period could become a near-monster on par with an intermediate demonic spirit. Similarly, an intermediate demonic spirit that had devoured the flesh of countless humans could grow strong enough to rival a higher demonic spirit.
And then, there was the strongest among the higher demonic spirits.
A being that stood above all other demonic spirits, gazing down at them. A king among demonic spirits.
Such a monster was sometimes referred to as a being even higher than a higher demonic spirit, known as the “Plague Demonic Spirit”.
However, the existence of this rank of “Plague Demonic Spirit” was not widely known among the general populace.
Even a single higher demonic spirit was powerful enough to devour an entire region, so the mere thought of a Plague Demonic Spirit emerging was terrifying. No one could predict what kind of calamity such a being might bring.
The very idea of such an entity manifesting could throw the world into chaos and disrupt the reign of the emperor.
Since demonic spirits thrived amidst disorder, there was no reason to create unnecessary confusion that would expand the shadows in which they operated.
For this reason, Chief Councilor In Seon Rok came secretly to the residence of Grand General Seong Sa Wook late at night when no one would notice.
– Sword Sovereign Seol Lee Moon of the Huayongseol clan has been devoured by the Plague Demonic Spirit.
This was the message delivered to Grand General Seong Sa Wook, who had just returned from subjugating the northern barbarians, by none other than the Chief Councilor, who was the highest among the high-ranking officials.
– Is… is that true…?
The news that Sword Sovereign Seol Lee Moon who was regarded as the most loyal subject of the Cheongdo Empire and a leading candidate to take charge of the Red Palace in the future, had his mind corrupted by the Plague Demonic Spirit spread quickly.
For Grand General Seong Sa Wook who trusted Seol Lee Moon more than anyone else, this was a deeply shocking revelation.
– Seol Lee Moon is the strongest in mental strength and determination among all the warriors I’ve ever encountered. How could someone like him so easily succumb to a demonic spirit?
– To be precise, his mind hasn’t been completely consumed yet. He appears to be resisting, but at this rate, it’s only a matter of time.
– Who else knows about this? Does His Majesty know?
– The report has not yet been made to His Majesty.
– You should report this to His Majesty immediately. I’ll contact the Under Councilor.
– That would be problematic.
Hearing the reply from Chief Councilor In Seon Rok, Grand General Seong Sa Wook furrowed his brow.
– What do you mean by that?
– If we were to make a formal appeal to His Majesty, it would have to go through the Under Councilor. Once it passes through his hands and is put into writing, rumors will inevitably spread among the high officials. Considering the shocking nature of this matter, word will travel even faster.
With his eyes closed, Chief Councilor In Seon Rok spoke with a somber expression and a serious tone.
– The most promising warrior of this Empire has had his mind corrupted by a demonic spirit. And not just any demonic spirit, but one of a rank far above higher spirits, a Plague Demonic Spirit. If word of this spreads, unrest both inside and outside the Cheongdo Empire will only escalate. Currently, the head of the Huayongseol clan, Seol Lee Moon, is practically the future of Cheongdo. If chaos begins to take hold, the demonic spirits will only multiply.
– Then… are you saying you will deliver the report yourself?
– Yes. I will inform His Majesty personally.
Grand General Seong Sa Wook was well aware that Chief Councilor In Seon Rok was not someone to be trusted.
Although Seong Sa Wook believed it was a warrior’s duty to refrain from meddling in politics, he also knew that remaining completely detached would only lead to unnecessary conflicts.
For that reason, Grand General Seong Sa Wook never let his guard down.
Such a report could very well be a means of undermining Seol Lee Moon, the most highly esteemed military officer of the time.
– His Majesty has not yet been informed. Why, then, are you reporting this to a military officer like me?
– It is because you, Grand General, may have to make a difficult decision. Knowing the situation in advance will help you prepare yourself mentally.
– A difficult decision?
At those words, Grand General Seong Sa Wook’s brow furrowed.
What kind of man was Sword Sovereign Seol Lee Moon?
He was someone Seong Sa Wook had always kept an eye on, someone he had already decided would inherit the position of Grand General when the time came.
He possessed an upright character, unshakable loyalty, and unmatched swordsmanship.
Beyond that, he was a man who knew how to care for others and how to reprimand those who deserved it.
In Seong Sa Wook’s eyes, there was no other warrior in Cheongdo as well-suited to shoulder the future of the Empire. He had already chosen him as his successor and had given him a great deal of his trust.
If such a man were to fall prey to a Demonic Spirit and begin slaughtering indiscriminately…
What choice would Seong Sa Wook have to make?
– I’ve heard that wielding one’s sword without hesitation when necessary is the true mark of a warrior.
– ……
– I hope it never comes to that, but I urge you to prepare yourself.
And then, without any warning, the incident unfolded.
The rebellion where the mad Sword Sovereign Seol Lee Moon turned the imperial palace upside down occurred the very next year.
Through the flames of the burning palace, Seol Lee Moon walked forward.
By the time Seong Sa Wook raised his sword to block him, he had already resolved himself.
“So, it has come to this…”
Standing in the courtyard of Taehwa Pavilion, Seol Tae Pyeong’s figure overlapped with that of the man from years ago.
The man who, at one time, had been destined to stand at the pinnacle of Cheongdo’s warriors. Seol Lee Moon.
Now, his descendant stood with a firm grip on his sword, facing Seong Sa Wook’s blade.
“You also knew of the Plague Demonic Spirit’s existence?”
The memories that flashed through Seong Sa Wook’s mind were all from a time when he had been in his prime.
Now, with his worn and frail body, he stood in the swirling wind while holding the Cloud and Mist Sword steady.
“…. How does General Seong know about the Plague Demonic Spirit?”
“It seems even you, Vice General, are in the dark.”
Seong Sa Wook swung the Cloud and Mist Sword, deflecting Seol Tae Pyeong’s sword, then leaped back in a great arc.
The sleeve of his empty arm fluttered in the winter wind.
At some point, snow had begun to fall. Light flurries obscured the once clear sky, which was now covered with clouds.
The biting chill of winter seeped in as the sparse snow blurred their vision.
“Very well. Since things have come to this, there’s no reason to hide the truth. Your father, Seol Lee Moon, the head of the Huayongseol clan, was consumed by the plague demonic spirit. In his madness, he stormed the imperial palace.”
“I was the one who cut him down before that monster could grow even stronger.”
Seol Tae Pyeong remained silent for a moment before finally responding.
“The world believes he staged a rebellion out of greed and that he was aiming to seize the throne for himself. That is what everyone knows.”
“That is a lie.”
Amid the biting chill of winter, General Seong Sa Wook lowered his head and spoke in a lonely voice.
“Seol Lee Moon himself wished to be remembered that way.”
Seol Tae Pyeong’s eyes widened in shock.
This was a truth that had never been recorded in the Heavenly Dragon Love Story, or perhaps it was one that would only be revealed much later.
It was a fact that could very well be the most important twist in the entire Heavenly Dragon Love Story.
Seol Lee Moon, the traitor who had driven the Cheongdo Empire to the brink of ruin.
The truth buried beneath the shadow of the Mad Sword Sovereign.
He had, in fact, been the first victim of the Plague Demonic Spirit, the very force that sought to plunge the imperial capital into chaos.
“How could the most renowned warrior, entrusted with the future of an entire country, fall to a mere demonic spirit and carry out such a massacre?”
“The truth, if revealed, would only throw the world into greater turmoil. Sword Sovereign Seol Lee Moon did not want his death to become the catalyst for the collapse of Cheongdo. He loved this country, and even in death, he sought to turn himself into the foundation for its peace and prosperity.”
The traitor Seol Lee Moon was remembered as the worst figure in Cheongdo’s history.
A man who had committed mass murder, who had attempted rebellion, and who had gone down in infamy as the most notorious rebel.
“However… I heard that all the members of the Huayongseol clan were purged for their part in the rebellion.”
“This too is a lie born of chaos. Those executed by the authority of the imperial family were only those who had committed crimes. Most of the members of the Huayongseol clan were killed by Seol Lee Moon himself, who had succumbed to madness.”
The one who had slaughtered the key members of the Huayongseol clan was none other than Seol Lee Moon himself who was controlled by the plague demonic spirit.
As he revealed this grim truth, General Seong Sa Wook closed his eyes briefly before opening them again.
“I had no objection to appointing you as a general because I knew you were not the descendant of a traitor.”
“Then… my father was…”
“Just one warrior, sacrificed to a great and terrible evil.”
Seol Tae Pyeong swallowed dryly as he struggled to organize his thoughts.
His pupils quivered violently.
General Seong Sa Wook felt a deep sense of guilt weighing on his heart.
It was no easy task to recount such a cruel truth about his father.
Even so, if Seol Tae Pyeong were to rise in righteous fury and demand vengeance, the truth had to be told.
That was the resolution Seong Sa Wook had made on the night he cut down Seol Lee Moon, the Sword Sovereign.
He must be confused. Truths left unwritten in the histories are often the ones that unsettle the mind the most.
As he watched Seol Tae Pyeong’s sword tremble in his grip, Seong Sa Wook could not help but feel sympathy.
However, Seol Tae Pyeong’s reaction was not solely because the truth was shocking.
The content… it’s different from the Heavenly Dragon Love Story!
The revelation that Seol Lee Moon was not the infamous traitor who had plotted rebellion but a loyal warrior who had fallen victim to the Plague Demonic Spirit was a truth even Seol Tae Pyeong, who was familiar with the Heavenly Dragon Love Story, had not known.
It was a truth he could somehow accept since he had not yet read the entire story and could attribute it to information revealed later in the narrative.
And yet, even within Seong Sa Wook’s story, something felt missing.
According to the Heavenly Dragon Love Story, Seol Lee Moon had passed the Human Trial. This was a detail clearly stated in the text.
The Heavenly Trial,
The Earthly Trial
And the Human Trial.
It was said to be a forbidden talent that could grant someone power beyond the limits of human capability, at the cost of cutting down the person they loved most with their own hands.
However, it was also said that many who went through the Human Trial were consumed by its power and fell into madness. The Seol Lee Moon that Seol Tae Pyeong knew was nothing more than a swordsman who failed to withstand the Human Trial.
But what did it mean for him to have been devoured by the Plague Demonic Spirit?
“The Plague Demonic Spirit still exists. Proving it… would be difficult at this moment, but…”
“Does General Seol… know how to defeat the Plague Demonic Spirit?”
The Plague Demonic Spirit was a monster that consumed a person’s mind and took over their body.
The Moon Demonic Spirit that infiltrated the palace was merely a fragment of its power.
Its ability to bewitch human minds eventually allowed it to dominate them completely.
This demonic spirit had wreaked havoc in Cheongdo Empire. It moved between human bodies as its own vessel and would wreak havoc until its full strength returned.
The method to defeat such a monster was…
“When it possesses another’s body, you must kill the host.”
“That is right. I killed Seol Lee Moon who was possessed by the Plague Demonic Spirit. Now the Plague Demonic Spirit is gone. I saw it with my own eyes when the Sword Sovereign, who had been devoured by that monster, died by my hand.”
That was not true.
Seol Tae Pyeong shook his head.
He couldn’t provide solid evidence or a clear reason, but he knew in his heart that the endless cycle of reincarnation that governed this world itself was proof of the Plague Demonic Spirit’s continued existence.
“The Sun Demonic Spirit, the Moon Demonic Spirit, and even the White Demonic Spirit have all been vanquished. The seeds of unrest left behind by the Plague Demonic Spirit have also been eradicated, leaving no trace.”
“Then why is it that you believe the Plague Demonic Spirit still lingers in this world?”
Provide your reasoning.
Grand General Seong Sa Wook spoke firmly.
“If the Plague Demonic Spirit still roams within this Cheongdo Empire, then whose body is it inhabiting?”
Though his body may have appeared that of a frail old man, the fierce determination in his eyes was no different from his prime.
“Is it Chief Councilor In Seon Rok?”
“Or perhaps strategist Hwa An?”
“Or could it be that you suspect His Majesty or the Crown Prince?”
Seol Tae Pyeong briefly lowered the tip of his sword, then lifted his gaze to the sky that was heavy with clouds.
The cold wind briefly subsided, leaving only snowflakes drifting softly through the winter landscape, creating a fleeting sense of warmth.
Winter had blanketed Taehwa Pavilion.
It was as if it didn’t want anyone to see the scenery of Taehwa Pavilion.
“After listening to General Seong’s words, my thoughts have finally come together.
“What General Seong said is highly likely to be true. Since the Heavenly Maiden is bringing the Peaceful Moon Stone, we can compare it with the testimony of Chief Councilor In Seon Rok to determine the truth more clearly. If so, my conclusion is simple.”
Seol Tae Pyeong’s voice which was calm like the snow settling on the ground quietly reached Seong Sa Wook’s ears.
“If the Plague Demonic Spirit is still alive and is trying to throw the world into chaos, it must have transferred to another body. Most likely at the very moment it sensed its death approaching.”
The Plague Demonic Spirit was dead.
Seong Sa Wook had stated this with certainty, but Seol Tae Pyeong did not believe him.
“…What did you say?”
“And if we consider who was closest to Sword Sovereign Seol Lee Moon at the moment of his death…”
The tip of the sword once again pointed toward Grand General Seong Sa Wook.
A single snowflake landed on the blade’s edge, rested there for a moment, and then melted away.
Amid the falling snow, Seol Tae Pyeong’s sharp gaze emanated clear hostility.
“—I must suspect you, General Seong.”
At that moment, the peculiar aura that always appeared when Seol Tae Pyeong showed his true intent began to manifest.
The overwhelming pressure alone caused the warriors nearby to tremble uncontrollably.
He was Seol Tae Pyeong, the Sword Master of the White Immortal Palace.
Grand General Seong Sa Wook who was standing beyond the sword’s tip raised his head squarely.
His cold, stiff expression remained utterly unmoving.
– Do you know anything about the Plague Demonic Spirit?
The banquet hall of Taehwa Pavilion had plunged into chaos.
Amidst the chaos, Vermilion Princess Seol Ran quietly held her breath. Her hand that was clutching a scroll adorned with floral design trembled faintly.
What lingered in her mind were the words spoken to her by Chief Councilor In Seon Rok just before Taehwa Pavilion descended into chaos.
– Princess Seol, I know for a fact that you are not a descendant of a treacherous clan.
– And I also know that you must be curious about the death of the traitor Seol Lee Moon.
The truth hidden within the words that In Seon Rok had quietly delivered to her afterward was more than enough to throw her mind into disarray.
– In the political landscape of Cheongdo, trust no one.
– Not the Emperor, not the Crown Prince, not the Heavenly Maiden, not the Grand General….and not even me, who is telling you this. Suspect everyone. But even within that doubt, there is one thing you must remember.
– Grand General Seong Sa Wook is the Plague Demonic Spirit.
– You must find out where he buried Seol Lee Moon’s corpse.
Who could she trust? Whom should she doubt?
Vermilion Princess Seol Ran had to make a choice.
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