Chapter 31: Chifuyu


(POV Chifuyu)

During the jump rope record event, each participant had their own unique approach. Some remained indifferent and wondered why others were so desperate to jump rope, while others gave up before even trying, believing it to be impossible. Some were determined to outdo their competitors, while others simply focused on giving their best shot. Although it may seem like a trivial event, it was far from it.

This was an event where people’s personalities and individuality came out quite a bit.

“Chifuyu, swing the rope more aggressively. I know it hurts when the rope hits the base of your feet, but if you don’t, you might get tangled up,” Kaito-san said.


The jump rope record competition was scheduled for the following day, and Chifuyu had been tirelessly practicing her jump rope skills with Kaito-san up until now. 

I was trying my best because I wanted to beat someone, but,

I also had a slightly different goal… mind during practice with Kaito-san…

“The important thing now is not to panic,” Kaito-san said.

“I see,”.

“Jumping rope is all about rhythm. It’s best to do it at your own pace.”


Let’s jump the rope again.


“… five!”

“Wow! That was amazing! You set a new record,” exclaimed Kaito-san.

“A-ah, yes”

Chifuyu was filled with surprise and emotion as I successfully completed my first ever five consecutive double jumps. Although I was more shocked than anything else, I managed to stammer out a reply.

“Alright, let’s stop here for today. We don’t want to tire ourselves out before tomorrow,” Kaito-san suggested.

“Ah, okay, t-thank you so much,” 

“No problem, it was a good opportunity for me to get some exercise too,” Kaito-san replied.

After thanking Kaito-san once more, Chifuyu headed home. As we both walked towards the entrance, Kaito-san opened the door and gestured for me to go first. However, I hesitated and stopped midway.

“What’s wrong?” Kaito-san asked.

“Oh, no, please go ahead,” 


Chifuyu didn’t want to get too close to Kaito-san right now. 

I had been jumping rope too much and was sweating…so I didn’t want him to be bothered by my smell…

According to the love book I had read, scent compatibility was extremely important. It said that in some cases, attraction could be established by the scent of the person. I lightly sniffed the air inside my clothes to check my own scent. I didn’t notice any unpleasant odors; it only smelled like fabric softener.

That was a relief….but I still felt a bit sticky. 

I really wanted to take a bath as soon as possible. Maybe I could ask Kaito-san if I could use the bath…


 (POV Chiharu)

And so, the long-awaited day of the jump rope record competition finally arrived, and Chifuyu had been diligently practicing with Onii-san for this very moment.

From my vantage point on the second floor, I had been observing her daily routine. Despite getting tangled up in the rope many times, Chifuyu never gave up and always managed to start spinning it again. Onii-san was there to provide her with precise advice and support, even showing her helpful videos on his smartphone.

I couldn’t help but feel touched by Onii-san’s kindness, and it was clear to see Chifuyu’s progress as she tirelessly practiced and became drenched in sweat.

Now, Chinatsu, Chiaki, and Chifuyu were each jumping rope. Chifuyu was jumping rope with all her might, doing the forward jump. She used to tire at about about 17 seconds, but now it was going up to 47, 48, and 49 seconds.

In the end, Chifuyu was able to achieve a new record of 1 minute and 15 seconds for the forward jump. She also managed to perform a backward jump for a remarkable 57 seconds and complete six double jumps.

Last night during practice with Onii-san, Chifuyu had achieved a new record of five jumps, but today she went beyond that and accomplished six. She was truly an amazing girl.

….However, in reality, her record would only place her towards the lower end of the rankings. Chifuyu probably understood this too.

Despite this….Chifuyu had a clear and content expression on her face. I think it’s because she already knew what others thought of her, but she was determined to change their perception in the next attempt. 


She was focusing on herself rather than the people around her, as if she were saying, “Even if I lose a hundred times, I will win in the end.”

Or perhaps she was just happy to have improved and set a new record because there were people around her who understood and appreciated her growth.

Onii-san was a sympathetic figure for Chifuyu, perhaps because he had gone through similar experiences as her. Being able to empathize with others is a great joy for people.

Like, for me, it brings me great joy whenever I have something in common with my sisters. For instance, sharing a bedhead bingo.

It’s the same with Chifuyu. For her, Onii-san was someone who understood her struggles, and it brought her comfort and hope. Naturally, this brought them closer, as evidenced by the recent changes in Chifuyu’s behavior.

She paid more attention to her hair, frequently checked herself in the mirror, and even worried about her own scent. Chifuyu also helped Onii-san a lot with his tasks.

….Sometimes I can’t help but think it’s possible that Chifuyu has developed feelings for Onii-san, and I had a suspicion of this for a while…..I’m probably overthinking it, but what if that’s indeed the case? I don’t want to lose Chifuyu, but I also want to respect her freedom. On the other hand, Onii-san is a good person, so what should I do?

Chifuyu may have thought she was hiding her feelings, but I could tell right away. Chiaki and Chinatsu teased her about helping out, saying things like “wow, you’re so great” or “Hey, aren’t you a little self-conscious?” When they saw her checking the mirror.

However, our perceptive and open-minded Onii-san noticed Chifuyu’s obvious changes and had a puzzled expression on his face. But he probably thought it was unlikely that a ten-year-old like Chifuyu would have romantic feelings for a 21-year-old adult like him. He seemed to only be bothered by it for a moment before dismissing it as a possibility.

It’s natural for Chifuyu to want to be close with someone….who finally understands her. 

But I still think that their relationship has become a bit too close…

At first, I suspected Onii-san of being a lolicon, a pedophile, or someone like Hikaru Genji, but I no longer has those doubts.

I now know that Onii-san is a good person and a kind person. I had spent enough time with him to be sure of that.

But now I am afraid of losing Chifuyu….Onee-chan still wants to be with her for much longer. What should I do? What should I say to Chifuyu….If I want to truly support her, then I need to be able to do it wholeheartedly….

…For now, let’s put things on hold. Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding on my part.


 (POV Kaito)

“Oh, I wonder what happened in the jump rope record…” 

“That’s the tenth time you’ve said that line already.” 

“Still only the tenth time, huh…” 

“Hey, come on, focus on your work, will ya?”

Ignoring my coworker, Sasaki Kojiro, who had spoken to me, the thoughts of the jump rope record-competition wouldn’t leave my mind. Chifuyu had practiced a lot, but sometimes things didn’t go as smoothly as people hoped.

If only I could switch my mind to other things, but the thoughts kept coming one after another…

“Perhaps you should focus on taking care of yourself more,”

“Taking care of myself? That’s unnecessary. I already know what I need to know. My physical condition is excellent,”

“….You’re going to get sick again, aren’t you? Maybe instead of doing that, you could teach them how to cook?”

“You idiot. That’s too risky.”

“But it’s just an induction stove at your place. Surely it’s safe enough,”

“Fire is still a hazard…and if they accidentally get burned….it would be bad. I know it is not ideal too, but…” 

Chinatsu probably had a trauma with kitchen knives, so even if I were to teach them, I couldn’t just leave one out. Still, I think it would be good for them to learn about cooking, especially with the concept of food education. I wondered if we could use something safe that did not involve the use of knives, 

Like making Frûche?

…Yeah, Frûche could work.

Wait, no, that’s not important right now; the jump rope competition….Hmm, how I wish that it was an event that parents could come to, but apparently it wasn’t. I wonder if the school could at least notify us about the happenings.

I worried about Chifuyu….She must have been feeling anxious and insecure about what people would say. 

….But believing in oneself was also important. She had practiced so hard, and I was sure that she felt like it was worth it, even if she didn’t win….okay, if that were indeed the case, I would praise her effort and encourage her to keep trying.

After all, if she can’t take the next step, maybe she needs someone to give her a push… 

But I’m also worried about something else…

What about Chifuyu’s sisters, Chiaki, Chiharu, and Chinatsu? They’re also working hard, but how are they feeling….

Maybe I should buy them a cake on my way home….like a “You Tried Your Best” reward. Girls love sweets, after all. Even if they’re not happy with the results, it might lift their spirits. And if they are happy, it can just be a simple reward.

Alright, let’s do that. Once I’ve made up my mind, I only need to finish my work quickly so I can go home and hear the results. I won’t do any overtime, no matter what…

My determination accelerated both my thoughts and my body’s movements.

“….Your movements just sped up by four times all of a sudden.”


Ignoring Sasaki’s exasperated expression, I focused on the current job at hand.

One response to “Chapter 31: Chifuyu”

  1. oxtro Avatar

    TY for the chapter

    The siscon doesn’t want to let Chifuyu go just yet, haha. She’ll probably get her own arc with Kaito eventually, and I wonder how that’ll play out.

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