Chapter 51: It’s Better to Take Beautiful Pictures


(POV Chiharu)

Dinner time had arrived. Onii-san and I with my adorable sisters, gathered around the table, enjoying each other’s company while watching TV and engaging in conversation. Suddenly, Onii-san brought up a topic. 

“By the way, your birthdays are coming up soon.”

“Huh? Kaito-san, how did you know that…?”

Chifuyu couldn’t hide her surprise. I was also a little taken aback. When did Onii-san find out about it?

“Fuyu, it’s because Aki has been writing it all over the calendar.”

“Fufufu, that’s right!”

“That’s nothing to brag about…”

I see, so Chiaki wrote it on the calendar.

“Kaito-san, is it okay? I mean, how should I put it…”

“It’s fine. Birthdays are the days when you can be selfish. Just let me know what you want. I’ll go buy it on my next day off.”


“Sorry for everything… Ah no, I mean, thank you very much…” Chifuyu said.

“That’s fine… Don’t hold back. I have money too.”

Chiaki had a bright smile on her face, a smile that I wanted to protect. And Chifuyu, expressing gratitude instead of an apology, showed a noticeable change from before.

“Well, um, I want, um, clothes that um, cost around a thousand to two thousand yen and multiple sunglasses!” Chiaki said.

“You’re a girl after all.”

“Then, then, Chifuyu wants nail polish and pedicure…” Chifuyu said.

“Definitely a girl.”

“As for me, I want a game,” Chinatsu said.

“Sounds good!”

“Wow, games and stuff, aren’t you like a kid?” Chiaki exclaimed.

“What’s wrong with that?” Chinatsu retorted.

“Well, it’s just that, I thought Chinatsu was acting like a child.”

“I don’t want to hear that from Aki, though.”

The conversation flowed effortlessly. The cheerful atmosphere of the room and the warm meal naturally kept it going. Just knowing that happiness was right there boosted our spirits.

The conversation went on without any interruption, continuously, and endlessly. Throughout the meal, everyone was pondering what they wanted to be gifted with.

Clothes, accessories, entertainment, or simply food.

Amidst the indecision, during the course of the meal, no specific items were determined.


(POV Chiharu)

“Hmm, hmm, hmm…”

“What’s the matter, Winter Sister?”(in english)

“Well, I’d appreciate it if you could refrain from calling me that…” Chifuyu said

“Heh, it’s a fusion of a joke and fact.”

“Is that so…”

“Oh, so now you find me bothersome!”

Chifuyu seemed to be troubled by something.

We were all soaking in the bath together, having a conversation. Strangely enough, when the four of us were together, the conversation never seemed to stop. We were always in a cycle where someone would talk, someone would stay silent, and then someone else would speak again. The conversation flowed endlessly, like an infinite loop.

Except when we were engrossed in studying or falling asleep, our conversations never ceased. 

That was our everyday life as sisters—something universal. However, I suddenly began to question it.

On the flip side, silence was a rare occurrence. I hadn’t really seen how other families interacted, especially within the confines of their homes. I had no basis for comparison, but I wondered if this was considered normal from an outsider’s perspective.

The conversation flowed endlessly.

<<<What we discussed before can spark a conversation as if it were completely new.>>>

Was this normal…?

Why did our conversations never seem to cease? I had two hypotheses, or rather, what I believed to be the most likely answers… We all disliked silence. And we wanted to empathize with one another.

Through exchanging words and sharing empathy, we wanted to constantly remind ourselves that we were not alone. But I had a feeling that this was something everyone experienced.

“Is Kaito-san really rich…? I mean, I’ve never seen any signs of financial struggle or anything…”

“Kaito is rich, right? He mentioned it before. He has money.”

“Since coming to this house almost a year ago, the expenses must have been quite substantial… But he doesn’t seem concerned about money…”

“That’s because Kaito is rich.”

“I had my doubts about that… Actually, I think he might be facing…..some financial difficulties…” Chifuyu said.

“T-then why doesn’t he tell us about it?” Chiaki said.

“Maybe he’s just trying to spare us the trouble… Like not worrying the children with money matters …” Chifuyu said.

“Awawawa, t-then maybe we should have a modest birthday celebration…”  Chiaki said.

“That might be a good idea…”

“Then I’ll make my birthday present a frozen pasta from the convenience store…” Chiaki concluded

“Oh, well, I’m not really sure if my assumption is true…!?” Chifuyu added.

The conversation had a sense of novelty, as if it were the first time, yet it also felt like a conversation we had before. It made me realize that even things that may seem ordinary can appear strange when viewed from a different perspective.

I didn’t necessarily find it odd. It was just something that caught my attention.

I wondered how these girls, my sisters, perceived things. Could others see what we saw?

I realized that dwelling on negative thoughts and perspectives wouldn’t be beneficial. After all, just like I could sometimes fully understand my sisters’ thoughts, there were times when they could also grasp mine.

So, I had to be careful not to unintentionally disrupt this cheerful atmosphere.

“Hey, Haru, what do you think?” Chinatsu asked.

“Maybe you should ask Onii-san directly if he’s really okay financially.”

“You’re right… It’s not good for us to be the ones worrying, while he’s the one actually worrying. We’ll have to secretly inquire about it.”


After that, the conversation continued without any interruptions.


 (POV Chiharu)

When we got out of the bath, Onii-san was sitting at the table, spreading out photos and a blank album, engrossed in some sort of organization.

“Kaito, what are you doing?” Chiaki asked.

“Hmm? I’m organizing the photos I took during trips and sports day. I’m also selecting the ones to put in the album,” he replied.

“Wow! I want to do it too!”

Seated next to Onii-san in her pajamas, Chiaki looked at the photos laid out on the table. There was a picture of Chifuyu holding a rice ball in one hand and making a peace sign with the other, looking a bit embarrassed.

I wanted ten copies of that one at the regular price…

There was also a photo of Chiaki, happily devouring a bowl of pork rice with a wide open mouth, a bit of sauce smudging her lips.

I so loved seeing Chiaki eat.

And then, there was a photo of Chinatsu, her mouth agape in astonishment as she looked at the fish in the aquarium. The fish in the tank were indeed beautiful.

Chinatsu’s cuteness always left me with my mouth opening wide as well.

“This one and this one are not good for the album,” Chiaki said.

“Huh? Why not? I think they’re cute…” 

“I don’t like the ones where our mouths is wide open! If we’re going to put photos in the album, there are better ones to choose from!”

“I-I see…”

Chiaki went on to further select the photos that Onii-san had already chosen, rejecting most of them.

“Kaito-san, Chifuyu thinks that this one is a no-go…”

“Huh? Why? I think it’s cute without any issues…”

“C-Cute… Ahem. Well, it’s because Chifuyu has her eyes closed in this photo… so, um, it’s a no-go…”

It seemed that Chifuyu had various criteria for the photos that would make it into the album.

“Kaito-san, I also think this photo is a bit…” Chinatsu said.

“I think it’s good…”

“I’m sorry. But, you know, the ones with the open mouths are a bit… And I don’t like this photo either…”

“But this photo doesn’t have a wide-open mouth, right?”

“But you didn’t use the filter for this one, you know…”

“Well, your skin looks beautiful enough… for all four of you…”

Onii-san didn’t seem to understand why they weren’t suitable. I felt the same way. Why do they say no to such cuteness?

I don’t understand. But well, if it’s a no, then there’s nothing we can do. Let’s secretly retrieve them.

“Oh! That’s right… There was something I wanted to tell you, Kaito.” Chiaki said.

“What is it?”

“Well, for my birthday present, I would like frozen pasta from the convenience store…”

“Why did it come to that? It’s definitely delicious, but… Are you worried about money?”

“…Yeah. I wondered if you were pushing yourself too hard.”

“Oh, that’s the concern… If it’s too much, I will just say it. I have enough money to take care of things, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Are you really okay?”

“I’m okay.”

“Then! I want you to buy clothes!”

“Heh, understood.”

The words of Onii-san were not only meant for Chiaki but also indirectly conveyed to all of us. I wonder if Onii-san is wealthy. He didn’t talk much about himself, so there were many things we didn’t know about him.

I didn’t think he evaded the questions on purpose, but sometimes I wonder if it’s better not to ask because he doesn’t willingly provide answers.

“Well, maybe we should go buy it on our next day off,” he suggested.

“Oh! Let’s go!” 

June was coming to an end.

It’s been a year since we’ve been here. Being together with my sisters and Onii-san, significant changes have come to us.

Still, amidst everyone’s transformation, I felt like I hadn’t changed much.

But that’s okay.

And it’s good that way. It’s comfortable, enjoyable, and feels right. I felt that it was perfectly fine for me to stay as I am.

From way back then, I chose this path, where I only needed to think about my sisters.


 (POV Kaito)

July had arrived, bringing with it a gradual but undeniable increase in warm weather. At this time, I came to a store filled with affordable clothes, accompanied by the four girls.

“This one is cute!”

“I think this one would suit Chifuyu better.”

“This outfit seems perfect for me.”

“Oh, this one has a unique style…”

Girls can spend a considerable amount of time browsing through clothes and accessories. Well, there are even guys who take their time when choosing, and since it was a holiday, we had plenty of time to spare.

The girls were bustling around, moving from one rack to another. Their enthusiasm for picking out clothes remained unwavering for over an hour. While Chinatsu seemed to be considering a video game as a birthday gift, she seemed content just immersing herself in the world of fashion.

For me, it was easy to spot clothes that looked good on the mannequins, but the four of them were all different.”Hey, Kaito, which one looks better?”

Chiaki held two pieces of clothing in her hands, comparing them like a balancing scale and trying them on alternately.

“I think both look good on you.”

“Mmm, I’m not asking that. I want to know which one is better.”

“Oh, well, maybe the darker one? It’s better than white…”

“Yeah! That’s what I thought too!”

I probably shouldn’t mention that the reason black might be better is because it’s harder to notice curry stains, and it made her look slimmer…

Chiaki happily put the white outfit back on the shelf.

“Um, Kaito-san, wh-which one looks better… if I were to wear it as a coat….” Chifuyu asked.

“Um… I think, both…”


It seemed that the “both” answer didn’t satisfy either Chiaki or Chifuyu. Chifuyu’s face pouted slightly. Well, I guess I wouldn’t want to ask someone whether I should eat curry or stew for dinner and then be told I could have both…

Which one is better…? Chifuyu held two coat-like garments. One was a blue jacket with a slightly stiff fabric, while the other was a plain green hoodie with a drawstring around the neck and a hood attached.

Even if asked which one was better… they both gave off different vibes, so it was hard to say which one was better… No, I need to give a proper answer since I’ve been asked.

“Isn’t the sturdier blue one better… if you’re going to wear it as a coat?”

“Y-Yeah! I-I think this one suits me better… I mean, if Kaito-san thinks this one is better, then maybe I should choose this one…?”

Blushing, she put the plain hoodie back on the shelf.

…I probably shouldn’t mention that the reason for my choice was that it was not safe for children to wear hoodies or clothes with drawstrings, as they could get caught around their necks or cause accidents. It’s best not to bring it up.

As I observed the two who were still unsure, my attention was drawn to Chiharu. She, too, was holding up clothes, but instead of trying them on herself, she was placing them against the bodies of her sisters.

“Has Chiharu made a decision?” I asked her

“I think this one is good…” Chiharu said.

“Why is that?”

“Because it suits Chinatsu.”

“…Don’t you have clothes that you want to wear yourself?”

“Since this one looks good on Chinatsu, I thought maybe I could occasionally wear it too…”

“Oh, I see…”

I wanted her to choose clothes just for herself. That’s what I wanted, personally. I noticed a black and white dress that was nearby.

“…This one seems like it would suit Chiharu.”

“Is that so?”


“Which one?”

“Probably, it suits you… I can’t really trust my own fashion sense. But this dress gives off a vibe that it would suit Chiharu.”

“…I wonder if it would suit Chinatsu, Chiaki, and Chifuyu too…”

She muttered so as if she was talking to herself. Even during Christmas, I had noticed that unless the clothes suited her sisters, she wouldn’t wear them..

“No, this only suits Chiharu.”


“It’s just my intuition, but this dress is exclusively for Chiharu… probably.”

“…Then this one is no good.”

“No, let’s buy it.”


“Let’s buy it, let’s get this one.”

“…If you say so, Onii-san… Then, can I try it on?”

“I think it’s a good idea.”

Chiharu headed toward the nearby fitting room. I hope it really suits her… Perhaps my sense of style would be tested here.

“Uuu, Kaito, that’s not fair! Chiharu is the only one you’re choosing for!” Chiaki exclaimed.

“Kaito-san, you always neglect Chifuyu…” Chifuyu added.

“T-That’s not true! Look, these ones seem to suit both Chiaki and Chifuyu!”

“Kaito-san has it tough too…” Chinatsu concluded.

The gazes of Chiaki and Chifuyu pierced through me like laser points. Chinatsu’s compassionate gaze gently caressed my skin. After pondering for a while and managing to select something that seemed suitable for both of them, Chiharu eventually headed back from trying the clothes.

“…So, how does it look?”

“I think it’s good. Good job.”

“Is that so… Then, what about this one? Is it good too…?”

“Oh, of course.”

“Then that’ good…”

Since her frame was already good, most clothes in general suited her… It seemed like my sense of style didn’t matter much. Before I realized it, we had spent well over two hours continuously choosing clothes.

Afterward, I purchased the game that Chinatsu had wanted.

“You’re such a child~!”

After watching the scene where Chiaki playfully patted Chinatsu’s head after I bought her the game, we returned home.


(POV Chiharu)

“Next time, okay?”

“Lend it to me, lend it to me.”

“Next time, okay?”

“Mmm, it’s not fair that you’ve been using it all by yourself!”

“I got it as a gift.”

“… Nee-nee, Chinatsu won’t let me borrow the game~~, I’m angry at Chinatsu~~.”

Chinatsu, comfortably seated on the sofa with her legs crossed, immersed herself in the game that had been given to her as a gift. Clearly, she had become completely engrossed in it, as she hadn’t taken a break since she arrived home.

Initially, Chiaki had found the game a bit childish and couldn’t resist teasing Chinatsu about it. However, her opinion swiftly changed after observing Chinatsu play for merely five minutes. In no time, Chiaki began hovering around her, desperately pleading for a chance to borrow it.

And now she was begging me to somehow find a way to lend it to her.

“But you know, Chiaki, didn’t you get Onii-san to buy you clothes…? So, um, we can’t really get mad at Chinatsu for that…”

“Mmm, Chinatsu, lend it to me!”

“Next time, okay?”

“When is this ‘next time’ then!?”

“It’s next time… later…”

“You said you’d lend it to me in just five minutes!”

“Did I say that? Really?”

“You did!”

“At what time, what minute, what second, and in how many times the Earth revolved around itself did I say that?”

“Uuu, Nee-nee, Chinatsu’s being mean to me…”

“Oh, there there, it’s alright. So, shall we play cards together… but I guess you wouldn’t like that, huh…”

Chinatsu wouldn’t want to lend something she had just received as a gift…After all, she hadn’t received any clothes like Chiaki did….While comforting Chinatsu, I looked at Chiaki and decided to ask her to lend it for a bit.

However, Chinatsu was completely absorbed in the game screen, and our gazes didn’t meet. I had no choice but to call out to her.



“As the Onee-chan, wouldn’t you want to lend it to Chiaki too? Because, you know, it’s more fun when everyone plays together.”

“This one’s meant for single-player.”

“…But still, it’s more enjoyable when everyone joins… Please, Chinatsu.”

“…Fine. Here, Aki.”


“…Sigh. In the end, Aki always gets the best treatment. Always…”

Chinatsu let out a sigh, and Chifuyu smiled wryly as she watched her.

“There are times when Chifuyu thinks Aki-nee is a bit unfair, you know…”

“Yeah, you’re right. I feel the same way as Fuyu.”

“Well, there are times when you can’t help it… but it’s still unfair.”

“Yeah, exactly! That’s right!”

“Ohh!… I fell into a hole.”

“Well then, that’s the end of it.”

“What?! That was just one try!”

“It doesn’t matter, be grateful that you got one chance. Hey, let go of my hand!”

“No way! I still want to play!”

“It’s not about you wanting to play! This belongs to me!”

“You’re my older sister! Lend it to your little sister!”

“Don’t try to use little sister privileges only at times like this! You never listen to me!”

“I do listen!”


“Lend it to me!”

“Oh, both of you, calm down! It’s dangerous! We might break something that was bought for us!” Chifuyu interjected.

“Yeah, both of you, fighting is bad.” I added.

As time passed, the two of them continued their quarrel on the sofa. In the end, Chiaki managed to persuade her, and she played the game for a while more.

Chinatsu and Chifuyu eventually cast jealous glances at Chiaki, who seemed to always get the upper hand.

5 responses to “Chapter 51: It’s Better to Take Beautiful Pictures”

  1. oxtro Avatar

    Huh… I managed to get here before the update to NU, haha.

    I’m looking forward to the inevitable Chiharu arc. Kaito needs to continue helping and encouraging her to focus more on herself.

    TY for the chapter.

  2. B Avatar

    Thank for the chapter this novel always make my day

  3. Guest Avatar

    Oof. People who spoil the child that throws a tantrum are terrible. The child just learns that throwing a tantrum works. So they’ll do it again. And again. And again. And again.

    I feel bad for Chinatsu. That really was unfair.

    1. Anon Avatar

      Exactly lol, and the way this is I don’t even see her saying she’ll lend her clothes to chinatsu or anything

  4. ClemCa Avatar

    Ok, the Chiaki stock just plunged. It’s very unfair to Chinatsu. You can be as cute as you want, if you’re an ass you’re an ass. Shouldn’t encourage bad behavior.

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