Chapter 88: Wound


(POV Chiaki)

“You know… I can understand people’s thoughts…And because of that, I can also convey my own thoughts to others in return….”

I confessed everything. It might be a little difficult to grasp since I’m expressing it hesitantly and trying to be concise. But Kaito was perceptive, and considering that Chinatsu had already spoken about various things with him, he probably had a rough idea of what I meant.

“…A-Are you scared? D-Don’t worry, I won’t use it, so feel at ease… I-I really won’t read your mind or anything like that, so I won’t invade your privacy, alright?”

“Of course not. I promised you, didn’t I? Many times. I keep my promises. Besides, I want to be with you, so it doesn’t matter.” 


He seemed oddly composed about it. Despite my serious declaration, he didn’t appear too shaken. Perhaps it’s because Chinatsu had spoken to him first, which might have given him some immunity to the idea.

“By the way, would you like to try reading my thoughts?” 


“It’s alright. I won’t think anything strange.”


――Don’t be scared. I’m here with you.

I had never thought anything good about being able to read people’s minds. This was the first time I experienced such emotions, and I felt relieved and happy that he accepted me for who I am. It was a liberating feeling to no longer be bound by this power. Thinking about it filled me with overwhelming emotions, and I couldn’t hold back my sobs as I cried in his arms. He comforted me, rubbing my back and gently patting my head.

I was enveloped in a sense of safety and happiness. I didn’t have to hide this anymore… But I didn’t plan to use this power in the future. After all, I saw something I didn’t intend to on that day—his past. The face he had while crying, I’m sure he wouldn’t want to talk about it or even remember it.

Just like how I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want to force him to reveal anything he didn’t want to share. Besides, I knew he cared for me. If there’s something I want to convey, I can simply say it with words. I love you.

“Are you feeling better now?”

“Yeah… but can you stay like this with me?”


“…Hey, can we sleep together starting tonight?”


“Do you not want to sleep with me? …Even though you slept with Chinatsu…”

“Oh, no, it’s not that. I mean, not just tonight, but starting tonight?”

“Yeah… I want that.”

Before I knew it, I was using a different way of speaking. It was a manner of speaking that I didn’t really want to show, almost like the reserved, introverted side of me. It came out as a soft, barely audible voice. Normally, I would have tried to keep it hidden, embarrassed about it, but somehow, I felt like I wanted to reveal everything.

“…Aren’t you surprised? It’s quite different from how I usually talk… I mean, I’m even using ‘I'(Watachi)…”

“I’m not that surprised, to be honest.”

“Really? Well then, which one do you prefer?”

“Which one?”

“My way of speaking… Like when I say, “I (Ware) want to eat Kaito’s food!” all cheerfully, or the current, more introverted one… I (Watachi), so which one does Kaito prefer?”

“Hmm… It’s sudden to be asked like that.”

“Yeah, I guess so… I asked something weird. Forget about it, okay…?”

“Forgetting might be difficult. Ahhh, speaking of which, where are Chiharu and the others?”

“I think they’re upstairs… It’s awkward between us a bit since we had a fight.”

“Shall we go apologize together?”


He said that with a smile, a gentle smile that didn’t let any worries show. I wonder what lies behind that smile, if he’ll tell me someday. I don’t want it to be just about me being saved, that would be too convenient.

Just wait. Next time, I will…


(POV Chiharu)

“Why is everyone coming here!? This is where I’ll be sleeping with Kaito!” Chiaki said.

“It’s fine though…” Chinatsu retorted.

“Kaito-san doesn’t seem to mind either…” Chifuyu added.

The three of them, Chiaki, Chinatsu, and Chifuyu, came to Onii-san’s room in their pajamas. It seemed like Chiaki wanted to be alone with him, but it turned out differently.

“Come on, everyone. We have school tomorrow, so let’s get some sleep.”

“Mu, I’m upset,” Chiaki said.

“I really like this bed. It’s so big.” Chinatsu remarked.

“It’s almost like a bed for two adults,” Chifuyu added.

As they chatted, the three of them lay down on the bed. Onii-san, with a slightly wry smile, took the middle spot, with Chiaki and Chifuyu on either side, and I was on Chifuyu’s other side, while Chinatsu was on Chiaki’s side.

Lying down, I realized the bed was indeed spacious. Maybe it was the bed Onii-san’s parents used. Speaking of which, Onii-san hardly ever speaks about his parents.

Once they chatted a bit, the three of them soon dozed off. They must have been tired from the various things that happened throughout the day. The burden on their shoulders was lifted, and tonight, they would be able to sleep more peacefully than ever before. I could hear the cute sounds of their sleeping breaths. However, I had a feeling that Onii-san was not asleep; somehow, I just knew.

“Are you awake?”

“Are you talking to me?”


“I’m awake.”

“I see.”

He was awake… Well, it wouldn’t be easy for him to fall asleep so quickly. After all, he knew about the supernatural powers we possessed, and he had even felt them. It would naturally make him a little restless. But he was a strange person. Despite our real parents being so disturbed by it, he didn’t show any signs of being bothered.

No, he wasn’t strange. I understood why he wasn’t surprised, why he didn’t reject it. The reason for that was clear to me.

“Hey, Onii-san…”

“Hmm? What’s up? Can’t sleep? Want me to sing you a lullaby or something?”

“Stop treating me like a kid; I’ll get angry.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“…Can I come over there?”

“Huh? It’s pretty crowded here.”

“You have space above, you know.”

“Oh, yes, I see…”

“Do you not want to? Even though you did it with Chinatsu.”

“Is that like a trend now?”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, never mind.”

Carefully, I moved on top of the futon, trying not to wake my sisters, and laid on Onii-san’s stomach. I buried my face in his chest. Ah, this is how it feels. Chiaki and the others do this often, so I wondered what it’s like. Yep, it feels like this, I guess.

“You’re being clingy today.”

“I told you to stop treating me like a kid.”

“Sorry. It’s just rare to see you like this.”

“Well, sometimes I feel like it too. We all do.”

I told Onii-san about my ability to freeze things. However, he didn’t seem overly surprised or show much astonishment. It didn’t really change anything, but deep down, it made me somewhat happy.

“Since my sisters are sleeping, it seems like I want to do as I please.”

“The eldest daughter has it tough, huh?”

“Well, it’s not so much tough as it gives me a sense of purpose… Well, I guess fatigue does accumulate, though…”

“I see.”

“But you, Onii-san, must have it tough too, right? Raising four kids?”

“Not really. It’s enjoyable being with you guys, and it gives me a sense of purpose.”

Ah, as I thought, this person…



“Is there anything bothering you, Onii-san?”

“Something bothering me?”

“Any hardships?”

“I wonder…?”

“You’re just trying to brush it off, aren’t you?”

“I don’t intend to do that.”

He’s deceiving me. I knew right away that it was a lie. I had always known that he was similar to me.

He bore the same, or rather, a similar kind of wound, as <<a person who had given up on loving themselves>>. He always insisted that I should live for myself, and that made me happy, but I couldn’t imagine changing. Because he, himself, wasn’t living for his own sake. Always, always putting us first, breaking his own body, yet still smiling, spending money on us without boasting about it, just giving us his love.

“We have something in common… the same kind of wound.”

“What kind of wound is it?”

“I won’t say. It doesn’t matter even if I do. Besides, I think you might have a slight idea already. Either way, just like you won’t tell me about your wound, I won’t tell you about mine.”


“Hey, Onii-san.”

“What is it?”

“I have a suggestion.”

“A suggestion?”

“Yeah… If the three of them become independent and even if everyone leaves this house, can I stay here?”

“If that’s what you want, of course.”

“I see… Well, if that happens, let’s live on while licking each other’s wounds….”


“Just kidding. It’s an American joke.”

This person doesn’t seem to care much about himself. He has an unusually low self-esteem. If we were gone, this person would probably just go on living aimlessly. I’m the same way. Once the three of them are gone and independent, I’ll just live without much purpose.

Simply going through the motions of life like a machine. But if I’m going to live aimlessly, then here with this person is fine… in this place together…

I found myself thinking such unusual thoughts. Today is the day for seeking comfort. Today is the day for saying strange things. Today, I wanted to be a different version of myself than usual.

Is this joy from finding someone of the same kind? Or is it because I have come to love this person? I couldn’t tell. Before I could ponder further, I fell into a deep sleep.


TN: I don’t know how that was an American Joke; maybe Chiharu tried to blame her bad sense of humor on another country lol

11 responses to “Chapter 88: Wound”

  1. RiamuP Avatar

    Wao Chiharu!
    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Bropine Avatar

    Now that i think of it, why didn’t chiaki simply read kaito’s mind to know of his intentions when they just moved in?

    1. Noway Avatar

      She is afraid that if she read his mind and it turned out that kaito actually hate her, that would really break her heart.

      On prev episode she read random kids mind and they actually hate her but she didnt care. But if it was someone she liked (sisters and kaito), she would rather never read their mind than having the possibilites knowing she is hated.

    2. Anon Avatar

      It’s exactly cuz she’s hurt easily. Remember when he first took them in they thought he was a p*do. The last thing she wanted was reading a mind thinking of such things about her.

  3. Rin Avatar

    Dawwww, if i was them i would make a photo album of all of them sleeping together like that.

  4. oxtro Avatar

    Aww Chiaki.

    Liking the Chiharu progress in this chapter. I was a bit surprised when she wanted to snuggle on top of Kaito there.

    TY for the chapter.

  5. Diana Kurosawa Avatar
    Diana Kurosawa

    To me who basically living for the sake of being alive, waiting to be dead…. well I almost literally did a hara-kiri with a japanese sword confiscated from a drug den raid back in 2000~

    I feel this chapter~

    1. Adir Avatar

      as someone who read a lot of LN and WN I’ve seen your username so much time i am startimg to think it’s not the same person but i am not sure

  6. Eternal Perspective Avatar
    Eternal Perspective

    Ngl I genuinely hate and love this chap for how relatable it is.
    Even I’m a nihilist who just lives for the sake of living/not dying. After trying something stupid back in my teens I’ve come to live for filling obligations and responsibilities for my loved ones instead.
    Tho ngl I’m kinda scared of what I’ll do when those end.

  7. Anon Avatar

    Lol so no one continued the embraced comedy

  8. Adir Avatar

    i hope chiharu will have character development

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