“That should be enough for mana breathing.”
Estelle who had been wearing a vaguely uncertain expression for some time finally suggested that we stop the mana breathing practice.
“Oh, already?”
It felt like I had spent almost the entire day practicing mana breathing, but it also seemed to end quickly, perhaps because I still had the lingering memories of swinging a sword for three days straight not too long ago.
“Yes, definitely. I must admit, you learn rather quickly.”
“I wasn’t really trying to earn any praise, but thank you.”
[You have earned a title!]
[Someone with a Large Mana Pool]
It was true that I had been working hard, but the title sounded oddly underwhelming when read aloud. Still, it wasn’t a bad title to have.
Of course, I have no idea what kind of effects this title might offer.
But if titles keep piling up like this, wouldn’t they just grow endlessly over time?
Not that it’s insignificant… but anyway, if they’re going to hand out a title for every little thing I do, I can already imagine the list stretching ridiculously long in the future.
Though, strangely enough, they didn’t bother breaking down the farming-related titles into more specific categories.
I had definitely improved in farming compared to when I first started after all.
…But was it not enough to deserve a title?
Well, I was still working hard enough not to get scolded, though I’d never once been praised for doing well.
“The day’s starting to wind down.”
“Yes, it is. I think we should wrap up for today. I have to run an errand for my parents.”
Every time I went out, I still ended up running some sort of errand. While part of it was because my parents always had something for me to do, I couldn’t deny that I willingly took on the tasks myself.
In this life, having parents was something that didn’t exist in my previous life. It was warmer and more comforting than I ever imagined.
“An errand for your parents? What kind of errand?”
“It’s nothing much, really. They just asked me to pick up something for dinner at the market.”
When I replied somewhat sheepishly, since it really was a trivial errand, Estelle’s eyes sparkled.
“Can I come with you?”
“…Would that be okay?”
“Why not? Why wouldn’t it be? I taught you magic today, didn’t I? That makes me a proper master and all that, right?”
“You already got your payment from the old man, though.”
Honestly, in my previous life, there was no chance I would have been involved with a beauty like this. If possible, I wanted to get closer to the Saintess too, so I did feel like going along with her, but…
“But still! Saying no to something like that is just too unfair!”
“Look, Miss Estelle. You’re practically advertising the fact that you’re the Saintess with your forehead and your whole demeanor, and you want to walk around with me? Even in a rural place like this, everyone will recognize you!”
Honestly, wasn’t this a bit much?
Our village? Sure, it was ridiculously remote, far enough that it took a two- to three-hour drive to get here from the city.
It was true that most of the residents were old people.
But that didn’t mean they wouldn’t recognize the faces of the Saintess, the Crown Princess, or the Emperor, for that matter.
People here weren’t stupid. Living in an empire like this, it was normal for people to know the faces and titles of prominent nobles and members of the imperial family by heart.
“Oh, is that how it is? I guess I’ve gotten too comfortable because Mr. Theo treats me so casually. I must’ve thought it would be fine if I acted like this. Then, what if I changed my appearance a bit? Would that work?”
Change her appearance?
Was she planning to use a polymorph spell, the kind only dragons or high-level mages could perform?
Could Saintess Estelle really be that skilled at magic, to the point of using such a spell?
No matter how I thought about it, something felt off.
In the game, there had never been an Estelle who was good at magic. Let alone someone this skilled; it was completely unheard of!
“…Well, yes. If you do that, it should work.”
“Great! Then please wait just a moment!”
I felt my heart start to race a little.
Sure, it could have been because of Estelle’s carefree personality or her beautiful appearance.
But more than that, my heart was pounding at the thought of seeing a high-level spell like polymorph in action.
Was I really the kind of person who was so eager for magic or great power?
“There! How about this? Does it work?!”
Out of nowhere, she tied her hair back, then quickly pulled up the hoodie she had been holding before flashing me a playful smile.
“Now you can’t really see my forehead, right? And it’d be hard to judge my hair color too.”
She wasn’t entirely wrong.
Her face was barely visible with her hoodie pulled tightly over her head, and even her eye color was something you’d only notice if you really looked.
“…Weren’t you going to use a polymorph spell?”
But the real reason I was flustered was this.
She made it seem like she was about to show off something incredible, so I assumed it must be a polymorph spell, only for it to turn out to be nothing more than pulling her hood over her head.
“Huh? How could I possibly use a high-level spell like that? I’m not some archmage, you know.”
Ah, well, that was true.
Nobody had ever said Estelle could use such magic.
It was just me getting carried away, thinking, “Wait, could it really be that?” and hyping myself up for no reason.
Wow, I just completely embarrassed myself, didn’t I?
“Ahem, well, yes. That does make sense. Anyway, let’s go. That should be enough to make you look less like a Saintess.”
“Yay! A market trip! This is so exciting!”
I couldn’t understand what was so exciting about going to a market for someone who was already a Saintess and in a position to do whatever she wanted.
“Should I ask my parents if you can have dinner too?”
I asked the question while calculating in my head whether inviting her to stay for dinner might help us grow closer.
Either way, since we had met already, it was in my best interest to build some kind of connection with her before the academy started.
Otherwise, how could a commoner like me possibly hope to talk with the Crown Princess or mediate their arguments?
“Really? That sounds amazing! Oh, and if your family has a spare room, I think it’d be great to stay there. Does your family happen to run a boarding house or something?”
“…Uh, no, we don’t, but I can ask them about it.”
Forget the whole men and women shouldn’t sleep under the same roof thing… that wasn’t the issue.
After all, my house might be a little old, but it had plenty of rooms.
It’s not like she was asking to sleep in the same room as me, so why was I even thinking about that?
And even if she did ask to share a room—what then?! Huh?! This isn’t some Confucian state! This is a monarchy! And if a royal decides they like something, then…no, wait. What the hell am I even thinking right now? I’m supposed to be the one connecting the Crown Princess and the Saintess to maintain world peace.
And she didn’t even suggest sleeping in the same room. So why was I getting ahead of myself like some awkward fool?
I couldn’t let myself spiral like this. No, this wasn’t okay.
“Oh! That’s great! I didn’t have anywhere to stay, but now it’s all sorted!”
“Wait, the old man who brought you here didn’t arrange a place for you to stay?”
“He did, but I didn’t really like it.”
It was strange for a young lady to decide to stay at a strange man’s house just because she didn’t like her original accommodations.
Then again, as a Saintess, Estelle likely had more than enough power to protect herself, so perhaps it wasn’t so strange after all.
Originally, Estelle was supposed to return to the Holy Empire after finishing her training with Theo and then come back to Duncan’s backyard tomorrow at the agreed time.
Since using teleportation magic wasn’t difficult for her, Duncan hadn’t given much thought to arranging accommodations and had called her over without concern.
“The meat’s already prepared, thanks to Uncle Duncan. We just need to pick up a few vegetables, and we’re good to go.”
Even so, it was entirely Estelle’s decision not to return to the Holy Empire and to remain by Theo’s side.
She was simply curious about Theo as a person.
Since they were of the same age, there was the possibility of romantic feelings developing, but for now, that wasn’t the case.
She was just curious, nothing more.
“Uncle! I’ll take some onions, eggplants, and cabbage, please!”
“Oh, if it isn’t Theo! Running errands, are you?”
“Yes, my mom’s busy, so I’m helping out!”
“Good lad! You’re such a thoughtful kid. I’ll throw in the eggplants for free!”
It was fascinating to her how he didn’t react much, even after she openly revealed that she was a Saintess.
He simply treated her the same way he treated anyone else.
“Do you like eggplants?”
“No, not really.”
“If you try my mom’s eggplant fries, I bet you’ll change your mind.”
Being with him made her feel like an ordinary girl.
How long has it been since I last felt like this?
It reminded her of when she was younger, back during her reckless days when she had run away from home and joined Duncan’s group of adventurers.
Back then, she was still a Saintess, but among them, she wasn’t treated as one. She was just the ordinary Estelle and she had loved that sense of normalcy.
She was in a position where she could do anything, but the oppressive freedom that still denied her any real choices always left her feeling suffocated and drove her to the brink of madness.
“Mr. Theo.”
“Have you ever thought about enrolling in the Academy next year?”
The thought of not wanting to part ways with Theo kept welling up inside her, even though they had only spent a single day together.
But when next year came and she inevitably had to attend the Academy, such simple, everyday moments would become impossible. She would once again find herself choking on that oppressive freedom and get dragged back to the Academy against her will.
If Mr. Theo were there too, maybe… maybe I’d be okay.
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