The construction proceeded smoothly, without encountering any notable issues.
The guards stationed themselves at a slight distance, huddled around a crackling campfire while keeping a watchful eye on the prisoners working.
I, too, maintained a vigilant gaze over the prisoners entrusted to my care while near the warmth of the fire.
“Sir Wolf? Aren’t you Sir Wolf?” Suddenly, my name was called out.
I looked and saw a young woman dressed as a maid gazing at me.
“Ah, Jane, isn’t it? It’s been a while,”
Jane used to be my colleague; she worked as a maid at the Sullivan mansion.
Though we were colleagues, she addressed me with honorifics as the son of a noble, “Sir, even though I was a bastard child.
Everyone, except the butler, did the same, so I couldn’t blame Jane alone. However, because of that, I struggled to find my place among the servants and within the family.
Jane never intended any harm; it was simply the complicated position I found myself in.
She had a diligent and earnest personality, always working tirelessly, and I trusted her.
“Sir Wolf, have you become a government official?” she asked.
The guard uniform seemed surprisingly out of place in Jane’s eyes.
“I’m actually a prison guard at Alban Prison. How about you, Jane?”
“I found a position as a maid at the Essel household,” she replied.
“Well, that’s good to hear. Given your hardworking nature, I’m sure the Essel family made a wise decision in hiring you,”
Upon hearing this, Jane blushed shyly and cast her gaze downward.
The sudden closure of the Sullivan mansion must have made it difficult for her to find new employment.
We sincerely celebrated the fact that we had both managed to navigate through our respective lives.
“Have you heard anything about the others?” I asked.
“I know that Lewis is living with his family,”
Lewis was a friendly colleague of hers who also worked as a maid, though she was a bit more playful than Jane.
Being close in age, the two of them maintained regular contact even to this day.
“If you ever come across any troubles, feel free to confide in me. I can’t guarantee how much help I can be, but I’ll try my best,” I said.
“Thank you. For now, it seems like we’re managing to get by,” she replied.
Many people in similar situations end up resorting to begging or prostitution.
For now, it appeared that both Jane and I had managed to avoid the pitfalls of life.
After successfully completing my supervisory duties outside the prison and meeting my old acquaintance, Jane, I returned to Alban Prison in good spirits.
I had also managed to gather some lilies that were blooming in the vacant lot, intending to give them as a gift to the esteemed hero.
It would be wonderful if I could simply end the day on a positive note, but unfortunately, things don’t always go smoothly in Alban, which is the sad reality of life.
As I unchained the prisoners and led them back to their respective cells, I heard voices of people arguing from the depths of the facility.
“I’ve had enough! I’d rather be dead than be back in the same cell as you!”
Fearful shouts echoed through the hallway.
It seemed that a dispute had erupted among the prisoners.
I forcefully ushered the agitated prisoners into their cells and made my way towards the scene of the trouble.
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